Supporting Our Parish
Members of the Saint John of God community provide support in many ways including significant contributions of their time, talents, and work in the various ministries of our church as well as with financial contributions. Because we are relatively small in size and lack a base of geographical parishioners, meeting our financial needs is always something of a challenge. The major sources of financing for our parish are the Offertory collections at the weekend Masses and the Hospital Ministry collection which is taken up as a second collection on the first Sunday of each month (and its preceding Saturday). There is also an annual fundraiser which provides a significant share of total financial support.
Online giving
To facilitate your continuing financial support of Saint John of God, the parish has set up an online giving system that can be used to have your Offertory, Hospital Ministry, and Sanctuary Committee donations transferred from your bank account or charged to a credit card. This facility can also be used to make one-time donations to the parish and for special projects like renovation of parish facilities.
Click the button or use the QR-code below to sign up for online giving or to make a one-time donation.
Another way to help provide financial support to Saint John of God parish is by participating in eScrip--a charitable giving program connecting local merchants to schools, churches and other nonprofits in their communities, and now embracing online merchants as well. Click here for information about eScrip and how you can help support SJoG by participating.Financial Snapshots and Fiscal Year Report Summaries
Click here for Finance Snapshot for October 2024Click here fy2024 financial statement summary.
Click here fy2023 financial statement summary.
Click here fy2022 financial statement summary.